Firm News

Nursing Home Infections on the Rise

A recent Columbia University School of Nursing five-year study of infection rates in American nursing homes found that a greater percentage of residents are experiencing infections, many of which are life-threatening. The study found increased prevalence of pneumonia, urinary tract infections, viral hepatitis, septicemia, wound infections, and multiple drug-resistant organisms. In fact, the study found […]

Airborne Dust from Mountaintop Mining Linked to Lung Cancer in Nearby Communities

Researchers from West Virginia University’s Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center have recently published findings that reveal a causal link between mountaintop mining operations and lung cancer rates in nearby residential neighborhoods. While it has long been speculated that abnormally high rates of lung cancer in mountaintop mining communities are attributable to poor air quality, there […]

Severe Form of Black Lung Returns to Threaten Appalachian Coal Miners

A severe incarnation of black lung disease, Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF), affects nearly ten-times more Appalachian coal miners today than it did in the 1970s. Recent data analysis from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has revealed that the potentially lethal effects of PMF are currently afflicting 3.2% of miners in the […]

Medical Malpractice Reform Has Little Effect on Healthcare Costs

It is a common idea: healthcare costs are so high because doctors are forced to order unnecessary tests to protect themselves from liability in medical malpractice lawsuits. Although this notion is widely held in society, a recent study indicates that laws making it harder to sue doctors for medical negligence do not reduce the amount […]

Motion to Dismiss Denied in Railway Worker’s Case

Recently, Hartley Law Group successfully opposed a motion to dismiss a railway worker’s claim for improper venue. As we previously noted on this website, Hartley Law Group, along with Johnstone & Gabhart, filed a lawsuit in Marshall County on behalf of a railway worker employed by Railserve, Inc. who developed a rare blood disease after […]

Hartley Law’s New Location in Charleston, West Virginia

Our goal at Hartley Law Group is to use our experience, history of successful case results, and numerous accolades to help our clients succeed. As personal injury attorneys in West Virginia, we seek to reach and help as many clients as we can. That is not always possible, however, if clients are not able to […]

Hartley Law Group, PLLC at the 2014 Debbie Green 5k

Hartley Law Group, PLLC took part in the 2014 Debbie Green 5k: The Race for A Reason on Saturday, August 2, 2014 in Wheeling, WV. All proceeds of from the race will go to a local recipient who is struggling with leukemia. This year, the firm was also one of the proud sponsors of the […]

Hartley Law Group, PLLC at the 2014 Debbie Green 5k

Hartley Law Group, PLLC took part in the 2014 Debbie Green 5k: The Race for A Reason on Saturday, August 2, 2014 in Wheeling, WV. All proceeds of from the race will go to a local recipient who is struggling with leukemia. This year, the firm was also one of the proud sponsors of the […]

Hartley Law Group Sponsors 17th Annual Debbie Green Memorial 5K Run / Walk for Leukemia

The 17th Annual Debbie Green Memorial 5K Run / Walk for Leukemia took place on August 1 – 2, 2014. The Green Mile took place the first day at 7:00 p.m., while Debbie’s Dash for children and the official 5K run / walk occurred the next day at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. About the […]

Hartley Law Group, PLLC Prevails in Jones Act Case

Hartley Law Group recently prevailed on behalf of a tankerman in resisting a motion for summary judgment in an action brought under the Jones Act (46 U.S.C. § 30104). Plaintiff asserted that he was a Jones Act seaman as that term is defined by the United States Supreme Court, and that he contracted cancer as […]